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Book vs. Movie: The Maze Runner

By Natalie Carter

10 November 2014

You’ve read the book at least seven times, you’ve bought tickets to the midnight premiere, you’ve made a t-shirt with the main character’s catch phrase written across the chest…only to find the movie adaption of your beloved book is nothing like you pictured. This is something every reader has to face-the fear that Hollywood has slandered your favorite novel. With a sudden increase of movie adaptations of bestseller novels, for instance-The Hunger Game, The Fault in Our Stars, and If I Stay, more people are either leaving the theater absolutely love struck or terribly disappointed. 



The book, ‘The Maze Runner’, written by James Dashner, has all of the elements of an action/adventure movie, so it was really no surprise when Wes Ball, a director, decided to make it a film adaption. Filled with suspense and an exciting plot, ‘The Maze Runner’ has gathered quite a ‘fanbase’ since its publication in 2009. But the question still remains-has the movie done the book justice? 































In all honesty, whether or not the movie is as good as the book is very much a personal opinion. When I saw the movie, I was personally very impressed. It not only had many similar aspects that were paralleled from the book such as strong characters, a racing plot, and structured friendship-but it also introduced a new feeling of fear and suspense I didn’t necessarily get from words on a page. I was expected a drawn-out, watered down version of the book. Instead, I saw something like, “Lord of the Flies”, on steroids. It had all of the aspects I loved about Dashner’s novel incorporated in such a way that was inspiring. 



‘The Maze Runner’ is overall worth the money to see it in the theater and any fan should definitely approve; it follows the story and accurately depicts the author’s work in a new and refreshing way.






Photo Sources: Photo 1, Photo 2

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